Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Concerning the New Layout

An edit from the previous:
A friend translated the legal agreement to Russian for me and it is now available!

Hello my fellow people.
Things have settled down a lot around here and it is great. Makes focusing on what to do and how to do things better. Now I am normally not one to make such kind of threats such as the one I made on the previous post about continuing my exploitations as long as you guys continue to harass me about my choice, but nonetheless, it was something I felt done because some of you could not be mature about my actions and insisted to bug me.
Now there has been no final word if Desu will or won't be uploading her mods, but as some of the people who have contacted me, is that my choice of waiting is a good choice because her past shows us she will more than likely not pull through. Me and a fellow pointed out pros and cons, and truth and facts on her and my exploitations and ofcourse as I pointed out there are things wrong about what I do, but I have made my choice: I am not taking the mods down until I have final word from her in my email that she has put them back up. Why my email? because then no one can pose as her. I know her email address, so it's going to be impossible to pose as her to protect her...unless you hack her email account to email me, but that crosses the line of mod-ethics here. I am not going around invading peoples privacies to do what I want.

Anyways, enough of that. Anyone else sick of reading about this dispute as much as I am? I am sick of typing the same points over and over again just reworded. If you don't understand what I am talking about then it is not your place to be to argue.

As I am sure everyone noticed (for the commoners of my blog) I re-did the layout. Things started getting messy so I decided to to reorder things to make things cleaner and more eye appealing. Now on the left side you will find 2 nav links. One links to the page where I list all the mods I have exploited and the other links to the "legal" agreement (which states what I am doing and makes a request that I hope you follow). This way you guys don't have to download that agreement anymore, you can just read it online. I would actually prefer you read it online because it is more up to date, plus I am hoping to get a fellow friend right a russian translation of it, and over time I am hoping to collect it in a few different languages. I feel I can pay back the Korean modding community since they are the ones who provided all of Desu's mods for me in the first place, so I hope a fellow Korean will translate the legal agreement for me :)

Also on the download page I put a little slide show to help add to Desu's image works. The slideshow showcases all of the mods I have exploited, and as of right now, all that I have exploited are Desu's mods, so you get to see that on the Download page.
Also, on the right hand side of the site you will also find a search to search my blog for something specific - you know, if I said something stupid in the past and you wish to use that against me just use the nifty little search box to find it. Also I put a translator for my fellow foreigners. Not everyone can read english, and not every Englishman can read other languages, so I put a little translator there. Just copy specific lines of text and paste them in the text field, then select the language you wish to translate it to and click translate and like magic Google will give you a rough translation of it - it is up to you at that point to translate the rough translation into a much easier to understand translation.
So, I hope you like it. I am hoping to host my own mods here soon, once all the fire and ect has ended.

But, until then, there is no other news to report, so I hope you guys have a good rest of summer for those of you enjoying being out of school, as for the workforce who doesn't get out for summer...well...I hope you atleast enjoy your days.

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