Friday, July 16, 2010

The Last Post...well..maybe...

It's nice not being flamed for once. I understand why some of you are angry, and I can understand where Desu herself is coming from...though quite personally, after I left Oblivion I gave free rights to let people do whatever they want to the mods I made. As one of the posters say: Mods were meant for enjoymentl; throw too much of this "legal" stuff in and it's just not fun, or enjoyable anymore.
I am gone from the modding community, so what do I care what happens to my mod? I made a good statement to many about what MY REAL work is and so I am certain those who did enjoy the mods I made will support my work; as for myself; I don't care.

Desu I have a special little end note for you here (and yes it is polite, contrary to my previous statements about you). But I want to quickly start off with a statement from a commenter on my last post:

(the guy quoting me.)
"You risk getting a lawsuit".

Haha. For banning you? You have a lot to learn.

(the guy quoting me again.)
"It is true, there is no real law that protects modders work."

It's called copyright. Bethesda own the rights to ESP and ESM files only. They don't own the rights to user created content such as textures, meshes, animations or storylines and anyone who told you otherwise has no clue what they are talking about. But nice try.

(my response)
Anonymous user; please don't make such swift judgement. My explanation of them getting a law suit is not from me, do you take me as that dumb?
I am not so crazy as to file a law suit over such a trivial matter. In no way have I taken offense to the actual banning.
The lawsuit is that there are crazy people who can take offense to their actions and when they step out of line - as they are a business - they risk getting a lawsuit. (Like there was a lawsuit against McDonalds because a person spilled coffee on themselves and it was hot...people will sue over some of the most dumbest things.)

Secondly, the copywrite law protects peoples own creations. In no way is there a mod that is entirely your own creation except maybe the utilities such as Wrye. However the .esp mods and .esm mods uses Bethesdas creations, so in that sense, we do have permission to use these pieces they have made, we can use their game, their engine, ect so long as it stays inside their game and no other game is put into their game, however, they own full right to a modders creation, not the original author. In your mind you can say you own it in full because you are the creator but that would only be true in a perfect world. Bethesda owns all the mods.

(At this point I forgot to say something and this really bugged me so I made a second response)

lastly; if you read, it was the people fighting me with fire that motivated me to go longer. So, if you are going here to fight me with fire, then what result will you expect in the end? Please read everything before making a judgement. Doctors don't just read half of a patients chart before declaring it is cancer, you should not do the same before declaring I am a beast, and should not try to remedy the situation if you do not know how to fight the situation. If I continue my actions, there is no one to blame but the people who motivate me to continue.
If you come here to remedy the situation, I will give you a hint: Don't use fire to fight this fire.

(Lastly an anonymous user posted on the last topic too - though this one has a much lighter note than the others.)

I thank you for giving me the opportunity of downloading DesuChans mods i really appreciate it ^^

I have no problem with helping you find this wonderful mod; as many others are thankful just like you (I have an inbox with 50+ emails to prove it). Unfortunately, it - apparently - pisses off a certain party that someone is polite enough to say thank you. Where did the civil society go when people feel that manners and politeness are rude and wrong? Infact that has a rather ironic sense to it...that's kind of backwards.Anyways, I have to say; don't thank me.

Lastly, I have my kind hearted message for Desu...unfortunately I tried emailing you but my email just got rejected and bounced back to me...sad day.

I do apologize for being such a prick. Hopefully you have enough sense in you to understand this actually - hopefully most of your hate towards me was because I used poor judgement and threw slander at you based of prejudices gathered second hand from outside parties about you. This was wrong of me to jump to a conclusion about you, and normally I do not make jumps as such about people, but nonetheless, I hope you can atleast forgive me for my slander; and I will agree with you on the ego. Yes, I have a bit of one, but having one is better than not having one at all. I find it better to be happy more often than being sad, so I do what I can to keep my boat afloat.
Anyways, it's good to know this whole thing can come to an end; quite frankly I am tired of it. This whole thing is just more on my already full plate. Still, I have people to take care of so I will not remove the mods until the day your mods are up.

Lastly; since this blog is a free-to-post blog, anyone can respond, you understand this right? Meaning anyone can take anyones name, so you have to understand my distrust as you can be a potential poser. Please do not pull a "Nexus" and deal with matters as such in a public area. Confirm you are desu by making our conversation private.

Anyways, enjoy the mods! and I suppose since the links are now sunk way down this blog: Anyone who is new to my blog know there are some links for DesuChan's Persocoms Reloaded and her other lovely mods in some posts prior to this one, just go back a month.
(sorry Desu - it's business. and will continue to be business until your mods are up; which I eagerly await this day)

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