Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Email Delay

I apologize to anyone who had to wait for a week or more on their email responses! This is not because you did anything wrong, but it is because currently I am handling some life business which has me rather preoccupied, and unfortunately it will continue until this weekend more than likely, and even after, I will not have internet for a week or more, so I wanted to let you guys know in advance, response may be slow (fortunately my phone can access email, but it will be slow, so response will still come rather slowly).

Thank you ALL for being patient!

I received a couple of emails that did not follow the guidelines I mentioned. I have today answered all emails (or at least gave a response to you saying you are on a waiting list) today that I have. if you didn't receive a response, you didn't read thoroughly. I recommend you all read the onsite version of the agreement as it is more up to date, plus I highlighted the key things in it so for those of you who have issues focusing and staying put may be able to skim through and get the gist of what is being said.
Thank you very much!

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