Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Word:

Let's just jump to spotlight starting at the top and going down:
"Let me explain it in plain words. Distributing another person's files without permission is rude and against the beliefs of nearly everyone in the modding community. Not just one site. It doesn't matter how you distribute those works, it is still wrong, you know it, yet you do it. You were banned from TESN not because of some strict policy, but because of a handful of simple and practical rules. No multiple accounts. No uploading other people's work without permission. No disrespecting site staff or other modders (assuming we're all apparently stupid and unable to find your blog). These rules are common sense and fair for the vast majority of people in the community.

You clearly don't seem to get it."

I don't think I made this clear; but when I was talking about their strict policy I was a little bit refering to my situation; yes, but about others too. But the line where you said "assuming we're all apparently stupid" isn't right. If you read properly, you would have noticed my key words to set apart those who are dumb, and those who are not. I said most, please read that word again: most. This means a high percentage, but not all. Additionally, in no way did I NOT want you to find my blog, quite the contrary I WANTED people to find my blog. I did all I could to make it so good searches, ect would turn my blog up near the first page.
Anyways, I am not going to continue that argument, let alone any other argument her. I am mature enough to argue over the internet, that is just plain silly! Besides, as if us arguing would ever change each others views, so let's move on so I can say my final worlds to everyone.

"Greetings from one of the TESNexus staff. Do you honestly believe that we would allow multiple personalities on the forums? Play by the rules with one account and act like an turd with another? One of our common steps when banning community abusers is to see if we can find alternate accounts they use...and yes, that is how your other account got toasted. You know that you got busted and your other account simply went with it. In the future, I suggest you act online like you would in person...hopefully that doesn't include multiple personalities with different views of right and wrong."

Drama is bad for business so I will try to make this one short: Thank you for contacting me finally! :) I really do appreciate it. Was it so hard to do? Though, I would have expected more professionalism out of you by emailing me at that accounts email; but I suppose beggars can't be choosers. Now I did leave a comment in response to your actions, but I said a few things incorrectly, so ignore that: Nonetheless, the point is: try not to jump to conclusions so fast. In no way did I try to act as a different person, in no way did I try to believe in one thing while my "other personality" as you call it, believed in another. This wasn't some little joke I was running here! Oh please at least give me the credit I deserve for planning; because I knew I would get found out, I figured I would get banned (wasn't 100% sure though), I knew it was wrong, and I knew people would not like me. I knew all this stuff, because I have at least half a braincell, and god I hope more than that.

"Not only did you abuse common courtesy towards a modder by going against her wishes, but you also created a SECOND accout at Nexus in which to do it! Both of these are bannable offences by themselves. Are you really that dumb to think you won't be found out? The staff have lots of ways they can find stuff out, stuff you never see on the public pages.

I've spoken to DesuChan and she has said that she will be posting her mods back up as soon as she fixes some problems on her computer. This effectively renders your silly little blog useless and your bannings for nothing.

Ha ha, you lose!"

It hurts to know that my plight was simply "dumb" in the eyes of the people. Again: I didn't just rush into action, I knew the consequences and the benefits. And as I mentioned in the comment towards your comment: This whole thing (the exploitation) was NEVER, EVER to gain the respect from other people, to steal credit, or otherwise be an all around ass by using exploitation to my advantage. If, in fact, what you say about DesuChan coming back is true, then GREAT! In fact, I couldn't be any more thrilled! Let me know when she does so I can remove her mods from my sight. If you guys want to judge "dumb, stupid, ect" on me and my little operation here, then please, first read my actions, my plans and ideas before making judgement so you can understand why I make my actions a little bit better.
But before I wrap up my words to you: There was no winner or loser, because this was never about winning in the first place. It was about helping people find dead mods easier.

in conclusion to this whole event: It doesn't offend me. Not only have I mentioned that I knew this was coming, but I also really don't play Oblivion much, so not being able to go to the Nexus isn't a big deal to me (besides, I guarantee I will be able to get back in on a separate account if I cared enough). However, I can negotiate with you guys at the Nexus if you want me to stop that bad, but I have a feeling you guys don't care what my actions are outside of the site, so since you don't care now about my actions, and you can't really ban me any more than I already am banned, then...I suppose I will continue to do my little job here.

Happy modding guys :)


  1. Please stop distributing mods without permission of the author. Not only is it rude to the author, but stuff like this usually ends up causing modders to leave the community entirely because of inconsiderate jerks like yourself. If a modder decides to pull their mods, they usually have a good reason behind it, continuing to aggravate that person only makes the situation worse. No negation is needed, just stop disrespecting the wishes of those you supposedly appreciate, and assuming that just because you try for anonymity it is all good. You aren't helping anyone, and are only making the case that modders shouldn't share their work to anyone because someone like you will take their work, re-distribute it, and make them have to deal with all the problems it causes. It's not just a matter of providing credit for the work, but also in the author being aware of what is being distributed and being able to support and update things that are being distributed.

    "This whole thing (the exploitation) was NEVER, EVER to gain the respect from other people, to steal credit, or otherwise be an all around ass by using exploitation to my advantage."

    And yet you are. This blog, the messages you get from it, and all the drama is proof enough of this. Regardless of your intention, you are still leaching off the work of someone else in order to be "thanked" (in both words and in the belief that you are helping others), and in order to get traffic to a blog that would otherwise be ignored and serve no purpose. You may not realize it, but you are still getting something from being the inconsiderate snot that you are, otherwise you would not have seen it fit to continue this garbage. And that is one more reason why it is wrong.

  2. "because I knew I would get found out, I figured I would get banned (wasn't 100% sure though), I knew it was wrong, and I knew people would not like me"

    The words of a teenage brat. We were all that age once; just the large majority didn't create a blog about it to show off how big an ass they are.

  3. as stated; I won't continue to argue, but the words are quite flattering :)
    thank you all. And, by the way, asking nicely for me to stop isn't going to work. I will take them down when the original author posts thei rmods back up.

  4. "Please stop distributing mods without permission of the author. Not only is it rude to the author, but stuff like this usually ends up causing modders to leave the community entirely because of inconsiderate jerks like yourself."

    This part of your quote is so backwards, I can't believe you actually think like that. IF a mod must be hosted elsewhere outside of the authors preferred methods, it means the author doesn't want it released... which in turn means people already don't have access to the authors mods. Distributing elsewhere shows the author that there is a demand for the mods and people are willing to go through extremes to use said mod. At this point, it is the AUTHOR ruining the community by being so secretive with regards to free mods on a GAME that people simply want to enjoy. People appreciate the work of good authors and want to be able to use their mods, it is retarded to create private mods.
