Monday, June 28, 2010

The Gig is Up!

I can't express my frustrations towards TES Nexus in words, and I feel my physical action wouldn't suffice either.
They banned my other account from the entire Nexus! Why? I don't know, which makes it all the more frustrating they didn't even take the time to contact me why they would ban me!

Listen up kiddies: Every community is a group of people where each other can relate to each other. Ofcourse it has it's shady side where there are people who do things that seemingly harm the community. There has to be a common balance between the people who don't exploit the community and those who do, otherwise things get out of hand and inevitably cause the fall of the community.
This whole thing, of course, is based on freewill and choice. People have to take action against others when someone has done wrong, but just because you made a choice with how to deal with them and prevent it in the future, doesn't necessarily mean it is right, and in the case of reality, doesn't necessarily mean it is humane either. In this case, it is unethical the decisions that a "Dictatorship" like community makes.
TES Nexus is the largest Oblivion Mod hosting website, next to Planet Elder Scrolls. Though I feel the real impact on this chain of power obviously, and sadly, starts at TES Nexus, then to the Official Forums, then to Planet Elder Scrolls. So at the top of this chain, the one who has the most power is the Nexus, who has willingly made choices that have effected the entire community, starting at the top of this chain and going down. While some, I believe, were right, I also believe their realization with their power can also be consuming subconsciously. They have used their freewill to STRICTLY enforce the rules they have implemented which then sets an example for all those below them (though I feel the official forums wouldn't never be effected near as dramatically then anywhere else).
There is no balance in power, and these people who decide the choices of the community are leading too strictly, trying their best to eliminate exploitation of the community. This, in turn, is causing the potential downfall of the Oblivion modding community.

Yeah a bit of a rant...and at times I had no idea what I was really ranting about, but nonetheless, the point is: I am so frustrated they have made such a decision with no notice why. Did they know that that account was also anonymice? Possibly, but if they have half a braincell (which some of the Nexus moderators I feel don't even have a quarter of a braincell) they'd know I wouldn't dare exploit anyones mods on that account! Thats why I am exploiting ANONYMOUSLY! Because I know it's not right, but there is a time and place for everything, and when the want for DesuChan's Persocoms was greater than the want for it to only be uploaded by Desu, I decided to take action, but I would never do this on my own account because I know it is wrong, and I have mods of my own!
Sometimes I feel the people who control the Nexus are hardly worthy of that position as they seem rather incapable of make decisions, or right decisions. Their judgement is low, and common sense is even lower. If this offends anyone, I apologize, it is simply my view, and please note I am not saying all of them are like that, just some of them.

Nonetheless, this is bad news for you guys, I will not be continuing my exploitation until I get a response from the Nexus as to why they banned my account. Hopefully that will be late tomorrow which will basically make it feel like I never stopped by little business anyways.

in the mean time, have a nice day. Emails will not be responded to for a short while.


  1. Sorry to hear you other account got hit with the banhammer. Hope you can get it fixed or at least get a response of some kind. On another note I think I found Desuchan's Kawa-Khajiits if your interested.

  2. Let me explain it in plain words. Distributing another person's files without permission is rude and against the beliefs of nearly everyone in the modding community. Not just one site. It doesn't matter how you distribute those works, it is still wrong, you know it, yet you do it. You were banned from TESN not because of some strict policy, but because of a handful of simple and practical rules. No multiple accounts. No uploading other people's work without permission. No disrespecting site staff or other modders (assuming we're all apparently stupid and unable to find your blog). These rules are common sense and fair for the vast majority of people in the community.

    You clearly don't seem to get it.

  3. Greetings from one of the TESNexus staff. Do you honestly believe that we would allow multiple personalities on the forums? Play by the rules with one account and act like an turd with another? One of our common steps when banning community abusers is to see if we can find alternate accounts they use...and yes, that is how your other account got toasted. You know that you got busted and your other account simply went with it. In the future, I suggest you act online like you would in person...hopefully that doesn't include multiple personalities with different views of right and wrong.

  4. Not only did you abuse common courtesy towards a modder by going against her wishes, but you also created a SECOND accout at Nexus in which to do it! Both of these are bannable offences by themselves. Are you really that dumb to think you won't be found out? The staff have lots of ways they can find stuff out, stuff you never see on the public pages.

    I've spoken to DesuChan and she has said that she will be posting her mods back up as soon as she fixes some problems on her computer. This effectively renders your silly little blog useless and your bannings for nothing.

    Ha ha, you lose!

  5. The whole purpose of this originally was to offer her mods to those who could not get them; there was not going to be a winner or loser out of this. If Desu comes back and posts her mods, that is great! More power to her! Now, people won't have to go trudging around the internet looking for any potential exploiters to get the mod from. LHammonds, you don't fail to express the knowledge of the Nexus crew (don't take that as a compliment) In no part was I acting split personalities, in no part did I give each "personality" different beliefs. All it was a little extension of the truth.
    In all honesty your actions seem more dumb then brilliant, but if you feel it is right, then so it is. I will be on my way. Be kind though and let me know when desu uploads her stuff so I can take it down though.

  6. How about I let you know myself?

    One month. That's how long it will take for me to get my mods back up. I'm buying new hard drives tomorrow and will be working on my mods as much as possible. So you may as well take my work down and let everyone know that I'm uploading newer versions soon.

    Also, I, too, am a photographer. You seem to think I take my screenshooting seriously! No, my screenshooting is a silly on-the-side thing, and I never have and never will put more than half the effort into my screenshooting as I do for my photography. So you can call them whatever you want.

    As for me being narcissistic... well, isn't that the pot calling the kettle black...?

    - The Narcssistic Bitch Previously Known as DesuChan.
