Thursday, September 30, 2010

DesuChan's Persocoms RELOADED going down soon!

Ah, I finally noticed Desu is back uploading her work, and with her normal...erm...insanity, we'll leave it at that.
One thing lately that has been bothering me is the use of "Legal" when talking about mods. I wish to correct something in my previous statements before, but before I get to that, let me talk about the main point:

I noticed Desu has upload Persocoms Reconstructed (not exactly an original name, and what makes them different from before is beyond me. Personally I didn't even like the originals much anyways.) but nonetheless, HER work is up and host by her, which means my job here is done...of course, her Demon Huntress, Lolita, and all those other clothing mods aren't back up so until those go back up, I will continue to host those.
To get the new Persocoms go here:
with her incredibly irritating text title shoved in your face in case you are too blind or too stupid to know what you are looking at...lovely.
And since she has those up, tomorrow - or whenever I can get a chance (since I am busy most of the time) I will be taking down my hosted version of Persocoms. I WILL ANSWER ANY UNANSWERED EMAIL THOUGH, however, I will mention her official version is out in my replies so people can choose either the version I have or hers.

And last on this list is a rant:
I have been studying law, and one thing has begun to bother me: The use of the word "legal" when talking about an Oblivion mod. But first, I need to clear something up: Yes, in fact you own your mod - not just the story. Before I said Bethesda owned the mod. HOWEVER, there is NO SUCH THING as copyright on your mods until you file a copyright from the federal government, and I doubt the government would approve it, so now that that has been said, there is NO LEGAL PROTECTION ON A MOD REGARDLESS OF THE GAME, AMOUNT OF TIME IT TOOK, OR HOW MUCH YOU WANT IT PROTECTED.
Ah, it feels great to say that. And I have only just started my Law's rather fun in fact.
Anyway, enjoy Desu's work (I don't).

Monday, September 6, 2010

A Brief Return

What a shocking amount of emails I had in my inbox! (Actually I am only half way done with all of my emails...)
I have access to possibly the worse internet available next to mobile's only slightly faster than my mobile's internet connection, so response will be faster than before...but still slow. My goal tonight though is to answer all of my current emails first. I will post in big huge bold text when I am finally up and running again answering questions at quick speeds again.

Oh, but something I feel like I haven't done in awhile is a spotlight, and this man, Gabriel inspired me, and I hope will inspire you:

"Hi there... Please excuse me...but i don't speak english pretty well...I'll try my best anyway...I'm sending this E-Mail to you requesting the password to DesuChan's Persocoms RELOADED 2.0 ...Please... I want them... I'm a fan of DesuChan's Work...I feel pretty sad when all of her work dissapear from Tesnexus...but now you're giving me the chance of getting them again...Thanks....Even if you don't want to send me the password...thanks... Something like that should not be dismissed or removed from the appreciation of her followers ... Work like her's inspire other novice encouraged to move on .... and enter the world of modding ... that's all ... thanks for sharing her work ..."

The last line (In bold and red) I have to respond to as a modder myself, which by the way, my banning from nexus did not deter me from modding...well it did for a minute, but I have picked it up again.
Anyways, modding is a long, frustrating process, but anyone who picks up the Construction Set, I think you deserve a lot of credit, no matter what work you do. Even if you used resources from someone's elses mod to tell YOUR own story I still think you deserve a fair amount of credit (There is a limit to that, you can't just take resources from one mod and just slap in different locations with hardly a change to your mod...I don't feel you deserve any credit for that.)
If any of my readers make mods themselves, please, send me an email with links to your work! I will host those links here, because believe me, I get a lot of traffic here, and mods I host I am certain quite a big chunk of my traffic will be interested in the work.
Those who haven't picked up the construction set, I recommend downloading it (It's free off the official TES4 website, just google search "TESIV Construction Set") and DEFINATELY join the official Bethesda forums! They help me a lot with problems I have with mods and modding! Do not be shy of the resources available to you.
And if you need help with modding, I am willing to help too. I am not incredibly proficient at modding, but I know a fair bit of modding to get by.

Anyways, thanks to all the people for being patient.