Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Maybe a little longer...

Ah, well, I am glad to know me and Desu may be what could be considered friends now. Now, for my followers, don't think she was the bitch in this whole ordeal, I was too...and actually, going back through all my comments, she really not the biggest bitch. I was at the top as I was aggressively attacking her and creating slander about her, which I apologize for. As I stated in my comment in response to what she said, we were basing out arguments off of each others actions which, at least for me, had been passed down through 3rd parties, so, as the game "Telephone" has proven to us all, the story was probably altered, not to mention the peoples bias. So, I apologize for those statements.
Now, pertaining to this blog and what will happen:

Well according to Desu, she has actually been linking people to my blog (which feels like a great honor to me) which means I can't let this blog just gather dust. If I am going to have people come here, then I should keep it tidy, so I will continue to post here. so I have 2 ideas what I will be doing:
1) I have actually wanted to legitimately know, that thing people do where they talk to a bunch of anonymous people about their boring lives hoping someone gives a damn? Yes, I want to do that. If I do that, I'll create a separate blog for that to keep my life stuff out of the Perfect World of Oblivion.
2)As I mentioned before (I think I did...I might not have) I tend to take short...or sometimes long hiatuses from games. Well after that invite from the crew who wanted my help, it sparked my interest in Oblivion again...though I doubt I will finish my mods as I am too CS illiterate to even think about dealing with the frustrations of the construction set. Anyways, I have been browsing some foreign sites and have found some mods that may interest some of my reads, so I may post links to those mods.

We will see what I do...I may do both, who knows. But in the mean time, enjoy Desu's mods!


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