Now, pertaining to this blog and what will happen:
Well according to Desu, she has actually been linking people to my blog (which feels like a great honor to me) which means I can't let this blog just gather dust. If I am going to have people come here, then I should keep it tidy, so I will continue to post here. so I have 2 ideas what I will be doing:
1) I have actually wanted to legitimately know, that thing people do where they talk to a bunch of anonymous people about their boring lives hoping someone gives a damn? Yes, I want to do that. If I do that, I'll create a separate blog for that to keep my life stuff out of the Perfect World of Oblivion.
2)As I mentioned before (I think I did...I might not have) I tend to take short...or sometimes long hiatuses from games. Well after that invite from the crew who wanted my help, it sparked my interest in Oblivion again...though I doubt I will finish my mods as I am too CS illiterate to even think about dealing with the frustrations of the construction set. Anyways, I have been browsing some foreign sites and have found some mods that may interest some of my reads, so I may post links to those mods.
We will see what I do...I may do both, who knows. But in the mean time, enjoy Desu's mods!
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