Thursday, September 30, 2010

DesuChan's Persocoms RELOADED going down soon!

Ah, I finally noticed Desu is back uploading her work, and with her normal...erm...insanity, we'll leave it at that.
One thing lately that has been bothering me is the use of "Legal" when talking about mods. I wish to correct something in my previous statements before, but before I get to that, let me talk about the main point:

I noticed Desu has upload Persocoms Reconstructed (not exactly an original name, and what makes them different from before is beyond me. Personally I didn't even like the originals much anyways.) but nonetheless, HER work is up and host by her, which means my job here is done...of course, her Demon Huntress, Lolita, and all those other clothing mods aren't back up so until those go back up, I will continue to host those.
To get the new Persocoms go here:
with her incredibly irritating text title shoved in your face in case you are too blind or too stupid to know what you are looking at...lovely.
And since she has those up, tomorrow - or whenever I can get a chance (since I am busy most of the time) I will be taking down my hosted version of Persocoms. I WILL ANSWER ANY UNANSWERED EMAIL THOUGH, however, I will mention her official version is out in my replies so people can choose either the version I have or hers.

And last on this list is a rant:
I have been studying law, and one thing has begun to bother me: The use of the word "legal" when talking about an Oblivion mod. But first, I need to clear something up: Yes, in fact you own your mod - not just the story. Before I said Bethesda owned the mod. HOWEVER, there is NO SUCH THING as copyright on your mods until you file a copyright from the federal government, and I doubt the government would approve it, so now that that has been said, there is NO LEGAL PROTECTION ON A MOD REGARDLESS OF THE GAME, AMOUNT OF TIME IT TOOK, OR HOW MUCH YOU WANT IT PROTECTED.
Ah, it feels great to say that. And I have only just started my Law's rather fun in fact.
Anyway, enjoy Desu's work (I don't).


  1. Hahaha. You REALLY don't like me, do you?
    I'll be sure to irritate you further with my large title images and constant retinae-burning screenshots, sweetheart.

  2. I can't say I don't like you personally, but your, not a fan of. But I give you a try (not to sound wrong) hoping to see a bit of quality I can enjoy in your mods like many others do. I did check out the doll race, but again, it wasn't too appealing to me.
    Of course... a lot of mods from many people have not been interesting to me, I am not really playing Oblivion - or for that matter, any game - much at all.
    But as for you Desu, I will be sure to continue to host your mods, honny :)

  3. That's fine. In the end, anything here will wind up outdated, especially once Slof and Shayarin finish up with the RM and UFF conversions so honestly, I'm not really fussed, but I did spend quite a bit of time wondering why you bothered doing all this, especially when it was clear as day that I was only trolling the Oblivion community by taking my work down, only to start upping everything again with better versions. Just sayin'.

  4. I am certain they will. Many people made a fuss about the mods becoming out dated. But I am a mouse of my word, and I only keep them up until you decide to replace the mods with new versions. I might be getting a shipment on the Kawa-Kahjitts finally so, as luck would have it even after you finally replace all the clothing I will still have a little bit of Desu here...though, people are done with Anonymice as within the 2 weeks I didn't check my in box, I recieved only 3 new emails (one being a request to help with a large modding project) And I am happy its done...I am tired of checking the email, having to open the index of passwords and find the password (which alone that really isn't much of a task at all...) and trying to find other mods from modders not quite as popular as yourself...well thats just a pain in the ass. I suspect within a month or two Anonymice will be shut down completely. You should consider re-releasing the Kawa-kahjiits (or however the hell you spell that) since they were in quite popular demand.

  5. I'm actually working on them now. Just got permission from Sulpyun to use his Cool Hair conversions. Looking at a release b the beginning of next week.

    Not literally working on them this minute, though. On hiatus. Ironically, my kitten was run over and killed today. Gonna mourn for a bit, then work on them some more.

  6. That last paragraph makes me want to go to a little corner and cry for a bit :(

    Well obviously we all need breaks. I usually take breaks from my modding work once in awhile...well I mean right now it's on a pretty large break. But I don't have the pressures like you to finish because not many people are a fan of my work...last I checked my mod had some where close to 200 downloads and 1 endorsement...
    Well with the release of that I am certain many people will come back, so good luck.

  7. O.o im confused whether you hate eachother...or are neutral...o.O

  8. Uhm, well there was never hate involved between us, however some strong feelings of contempt may have existed. I can say at first I had strong feelings of dislike towards her, but those have since passed. So I have more neutral feelings towards her. I cannot speak for her though.

  9. What a dramatic bitch. Thanks for taking a peg off her, people like this are the bane of the modding community. If only everyone shared freely like Russian, jap, and chinee modders

  10. Seriously, three years later some anon has come past to declare hatred? Wow, dude. You need to rethink your life choices. Those files have been public for ages, just not on that shitfest of a file sharing website known as Nexus.
