After uploading to PES, I recieved 13 emails all requesting downloads! It's great! I love you guys! Nonetheless, that leaves approximately 25 people who know about Anonymice Exploit, and I guarentee only about 5 of them actively discuss my exploitation to me; either using my blog or through email.
Oh well, anyways. I am still on the look out for a few mods, though I got kind of lazy and haven't really bothered with anything Oblivion related at all (including digging up some mods).
Let's just jump to the spotlight time (I got a lot)
an anonymous poster commented on my last blog post:
"Good thing to see you back in action, also go for the studies I know what you're talking about."
Well, Mister Anonymous, I never really stopped bein in action ever since I got the idea of exploiting. Just the Nexus decided to quell me by banning me and removing the links and available download from the Nexus file I made for DesuChan's Persocoms RELOADED 2.0. Ever since then I have tirelessly tried to find another way around it. Starting with this blogspot, then my most recent attempt was PES, which both aren't very effective. Even a google search using advanced searching techniques such as: "+Anonymice+Oblivion+Mod+Blogspot" still doesn't have me come up on even the first page...which is also why I type out full mod names when I am talking about them such as DesuChan's Persocoms RELOADED 2.0. That way, the more times it occurs the easier people will locate my blogspot.
Zero commented on my last blog post:
"Can you find friends and lovers 1.51 English? The only version of 1.51 is in Russian. However, I believe an English translation was uploaded to the nexus temporarily and was then removed due to the "nature" of the mod. I have been looking for it for some time."
I love how Oblivion has become like a porno...I can't say I don't have a few of these types of mods myself though, so I am not judging. I found a english, uncensored version not too long ago so it shouldn't be too hard for me to fish up and resurrect.
Pretty much everyone who emails me, but let's point fingers at Pat for a minute:
"Thanks a billion man! :) it's sucks that she took her mods down :("
Hey guys, I love appreciation towards me! I probably like it more than I should, but I want you guys to understand: I AM NOT THE CREATOR OF THESE MODS. Please respect them but giving them full credit for their work...or most credit given to them, and just a touch given to thank me for fishing them up.
But thank you you guys for the appreciation.
I got an email from a Persocom user asking about them. I provided him some links for CM mods that require DesuChan's Persocoms RELOADED 2.0. If anyone likes partners I got some good links for you!
First, if you don't know what a CM mod is, you will need Blackie's CM partners
CM Partners by Blackie:
Below are links for partners or save files that require the DesuChan's Persocoms RELOADED 2.0 mod.
CM Persocom BELLE
CM Persocom Ai
CM Persocom MARIA
TES Nexus "Persocom" Search
(All these links are links to their original author. None of these are my exploitations or ANYONE elses exploitations. You must be part of the Nexus to download these mods.)
Marian (you should know who you are) may I ask who you are? I don't mind adding people to my Yahoo! profile, but I don't use it. If you want to keep up with my work, add this blog to your favorites, or if you have your own blogspot, then follow me!
Nice work in finding these mods. Also do you happen to know what mods are in this image?