Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Word:

Let's just jump to spotlight starting at the top and going down:
"Let me explain it in plain words. Distributing another person's files without permission is rude and against the beliefs of nearly everyone in the modding community. Not just one site. It doesn't matter how you distribute those works, it is still wrong, you know it, yet you do it. You were banned from TESN not because of some strict policy, but because of a handful of simple and practical rules. No multiple accounts. No uploading other people's work without permission. No disrespecting site staff or other modders (assuming we're all apparently stupid and unable to find your blog). These rules are common sense and fair for the vast majority of people in the community.

You clearly don't seem to get it."

I don't think I made this clear; but when I was talking about their strict policy I was a little bit refering to my situation; yes, but about others too. But the line where you said "assuming we're all apparently stupid" isn't right. If you read properly, you would have noticed my key words to set apart those who are dumb, and those who are not. I said most, please read that word again: most. This means a high percentage, but not all. Additionally, in no way did I NOT want you to find my blog, quite the contrary I WANTED people to find my blog. I did all I could to make it so good searches, ect would turn my blog up near the first page.
Anyways, I am not going to continue that argument, let alone any other argument her. I am mature enough to argue over the internet, that is just plain silly! Besides, as if us arguing would ever change each others views, so let's move on so I can say my final worlds to everyone.

"Greetings from one of the TESNexus staff. Do you honestly believe that we would allow multiple personalities on the forums? Play by the rules with one account and act like an turd with another? One of our common steps when banning community abusers is to see if we can find alternate accounts they use...and yes, that is how your other account got toasted. You know that you got busted and your other account simply went with it. In the future, I suggest you act online like you would in person...hopefully that doesn't include multiple personalities with different views of right and wrong."

Drama is bad for business so I will try to make this one short: Thank you for contacting me finally! :) I really do appreciate it. Was it so hard to do? Though, I would have expected more professionalism out of you by emailing me at that accounts email; but I suppose beggars can't be choosers. Now I did leave a comment in response to your actions, but I said a few things incorrectly, so ignore that: Nonetheless, the point is: try not to jump to conclusions so fast. In no way did I try to act as a different person, in no way did I try to believe in one thing while my "other personality" as you call it, believed in another. This wasn't some little joke I was running here! Oh please at least give me the credit I deserve for planning; because I knew I would get found out, I figured I would get banned (wasn't 100% sure though), I knew it was wrong, and I knew people would not like me. I knew all this stuff, because I have at least half a braincell, and god I hope more than that.

"Not only did you abuse common courtesy towards a modder by going against her wishes, but you also created a SECOND accout at Nexus in which to do it! Both of these are bannable offences by themselves. Are you really that dumb to think you won't be found out? The staff have lots of ways they can find stuff out, stuff you never see on the public pages.

I've spoken to DesuChan and she has said that she will be posting her mods back up as soon as she fixes some problems on her computer. This effectively renders your silly little blog useless and your bannings for nothing.

Ha ha, you lose!"

It hurts to know that my plight was simply "dumb" in the eyes of the people. Again: I didn't just rush into action, I knew the consequences and the benefits. And as I mentioned in the comment towards your comment: This whole thing (the exploitation) was NEVER, EVER to gain the respect from other people, to steal credit, or otherwise be an all around ass by using exploitation to my advantage. If, in fact, what you say about DesuChan coming back is true, then GREAT! In fact, I couldn't be any more thrilled! Let me know when she does so I can remove her mods from my sight. If you guys want to judge "dumb, stupid, ect" on me and my little operation here, then please, first read my actions, my plans and ideas before making judgement so you can understand why I make my actions a little bit better.
But before I wrap up my words to you: There was no winner or loser, because this was never about winning in the first place. It was about helping people find dead mods easier.

in conclusion to this whole event: It doesn't offend me. Not only have I mentioned that I knew this was coming, but I also really don't play Oblivion much, so not being able to go to the Nexus isn't a big deal to me (besides, I guarantee I will be able to get back in on a separate account if I cared enough). However, I can negotiate with you guys at the Nexus if you want me to stop that bad, but I have a feeling you guys don't care what my actions are outside of the site, so since you don't care now about my actions, and you can't really ban me any more than I already am banned, then...I suppose I will continue to do my little job here.

Happy modding guys :)

Monday, June 28, 2010

The Gig is Up!

I can't express my frustrations towards TES Nexus in words, and I feel my physical action wouldn't suffice either.
They banned my other account from the entire Nexus! Why? I don't know, which makes it all the more frustrating they didn't even take the time to contact me why they would ban me!

Listen up kiddies: Every community is a group of people where each other can relate to each other. Ofcourse it has it's shady side where there are people who do things that seemingly harm the community. There has to be a common balance between the people who don't exploit the community and those who do, otherwise things get out of hand and inevitably cause the fall of the community.
This whole thing, of course, is based on freewill and choice. People have to take action against others when someone has done wrong, but just because you made a choice with how to deal with them and prevent it in the future, doesn't necessarily mean it is right, and in the case of reality, doesn't necessarily mean it is humane either. In this case, it is unethical the decisions that a "Dictatorship" like community makes.
TES Nexus is the largest Oblivion Mod hosting website, next to Planet Elder Scrolls. Though I feel the real impact on this chain of power obviously, and sadly, starts at TES Nexus, then to the Official Forums, then to Planet Elder Scrolls. So at the top of this chain, the one who has the most power is the Nexus, who has willingly made choices that have effected the entire community, starting at the top of this chain and going down. While some, I believe, were right, I also believe their realization with their power can also be consuming subconsciously. They have used their freewill to STRICTLY enforce the rules they have implemented which then sets an example for all those below them (though I feel the official forums wouldn't never be effected near as dramatically then anywhere else).
There is no balance in power, and these people who decide the choices of the community are leading too strictly, trying their best to eliminate exploitation of the community. This, in turn, is causing the potential downfall of the Oblivion modding community.

Yeah a bit of a rant...and at times I had no idea what I was really ranting about, but nonetheless, the point is: I am so frustrated they have made such a decision with no notice why. Did they know that that account was also anonymice? Possibly, but if they have half a braincell (which some of the Nexus moderators I feel don't even have a quarter of a braincell) they'd know I wouldn't dare exploit anyones mods on that account! Thats why I am exploiting ANONYMOUSLY! Because I know it's not right, but there is a time and place for everything, and when the want for DesuChan's Persocoms was greater than the want for it to only be uploaded by Desu, I decided to take action, but I would never do this on my own account because I know it is wrong, and I have mods of my own!
Sometimes I feel the people who control the Nexus are hardly worthy of that position as they seem rather incapable of make decisions, or right decisions. Their judgement is low, and common sense is even lower. If this offends anyone, I apologize, it is simply my view, and please note I am not saying all of them are like that, just some of them.

Nonetheless, this is bad news for you guys, I will not be continuing my exploitation until I get a response from the Nexus as to why they banned my account. Hopefully that will be late tomorrow which will basically make it feel like I never stopped by little business anyways.

in the mean time, have a nice day. Emails will not be responded to for a short while.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Boost in Popularity!

Well, I got the bright idea of uploading a link to my blogspot and my media fire links on Planet Elderscrolls. I am not going to bash PES anymore, because unlike TES Nexus, I did not get banned for uploading Desu's stuff...but they did take it down, so only a few people were lucky and I got a little exposure, but still I am in an endless pursuit to find a wait to expose myself to the modding community.

After uploading to PES, I recieved 13 emails all requesting downloads! It's great! I love you guys! Nonetheless, that leaves approximately 25 people who know about Anonymice Exploit, and I guarentee only about 5 of them actively discuss my exploitation to me; either using my blog or through email.
Oh well, anyways. I am still on the look out for a few mods, though I got kind of lazy and haven't really bothered with anything Oblivion related at all (including digging up some mods).

Let's just jump to the spotlight time (I got a lot)

an anonymous poster commented on my last blog post:
"Good thing to see you back in action, also go for the studies I know what you're talking about."

Well, Mister Anonymous, I never really stopped bein in action ever since I got the idea of exploiting. Just the Nexus decided to quell me by banning me and removing the links and available download from the Nexus file I made for DesuChan's Persocoms RELOADED 2.0. Ever since then I have tirelessly tried to find another way around it. Starting with this blogspot, then my most recent attempt was PES, which both aren't very effective. Even a google search using advanced searching techniques such as: "+Anonymice+Oblivion+Mod+Blogspot" still doesn't have me come up on even the first page...which is also why I type out full mod names when I am talking about them such as DesuChan's Persocoms RELOADED 2.0. That way, the more times it occurs the easier people will locate my blogspot.

Zero commented on my last blog post:
"Can you find friends and lovers 1.51 English? The only version of 1.51 is in Russian. However, I believe an English translation was uploaded to the nexus temporarily and was then removed due to the "nature" of the mod. I have been looking for it for some time."

I love how Oblivion has become like a porno...I can't say I don't have a few of these types of mods myself though, so I am not judging. I found a english, uncensored version not too long ago so it shouldn't be too hard for me to fish up and resurrect.

Pretty much everyone who emails me, but let's point fingers at Pat for a minute:
"Thanks a billion man! :) it's sucks that she took her mods down :("

Hey guys, I love appreciation towards me! I probably like it more than I should, but I want you guys to understand: I AM NOT THE CREATOR OF THESE MODS. Please respect them but giving them full credit for their work...or most credit given to them, and just a touch given to thank me for fishing them up.
But thank you you guys for the appreciation.

I got an email from a Persocom user asking about them. I provided him some links for CM mods that require DesuChan's Persocoms RELOADED 2.0. If anyone likes partners I got some good links for you!
First, if you don't know what a CM mod is, you will need Blackie's CM partners
CM Partners by Blackie:

Below are links for partners or save files that require the DesuChan's Persocoms RELOADED 2.0 mod.

CM Persocom BELLE

CM Persocom Ai

CM Persocom MARIA

TES Nexus "Persocom" Search

(All these links are links to their original author. None of these are my exploitations or ANYONE elses exploitations. You must be part of the Nexus to download these mods.)

Marian (you should know who you are) may I ask who you are? I don't mind adding people to my Yahoo! profile, but I don't use it. If you want to keep up with my work, add this blog to your favorites, or if you have your own blogspot, then follow me!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

On The Search

It has been awhile guys, and I apologize. I have studies to take care of.
Anyways, there is nothing much to cover, except I just wanted to let you guys know I am still kickin'.

I can see the Persocoms still are a rage, according to this latest mod added to the Nexus.
It is so tempting to leave a comment there letting them know about me, but if I do that, I am afriad people will get suspicious my not-anonymous profile will be thought of as Anonymice too, thus ruining my reputation and so people will no longer respect me and won't support my work.
I know only a couple of you read this, but if you read it, leave these guys a comment or so. If you get in trouble with the law there, plead guilty and that you didn't think you'd get in trouble (because in all honesty, I don't know if you would or not. It's not like you are the one reposting the mod anyways...)

Anyways, spotlight time!
Aaron sent me an email
"I also hate to be the only one requesting things, but this mod is highly recommended on lists and isn't on the Nexus any more. It's called Better Signs. Supposively it was an unfinished mod that was released anyways and combined with Improved Signs and Weathered Direction Signs really makes the game look good. Obviously, with as much work as you've done filling my requests, this is the last thing on my mind, but if you're looking for suggestions, here is one. Please take your time and obviously, if you are attending to personal issues, take care of them first. This is clearly an act of charity and no one should overstep their bounds."

Don't worry about being the only one requesting. There are only a few who read this. I tried google searching a few key words on google to see how many pages into a google-web search my blogspot comes up on and it's several pages back, unfortunately. Anyways, I know it was awhile since you made the request and believe me I haven't forgotten. I have been falling behind a little in my studies, so I need to take care of that before all my money I put into college goes to waste.
And as I can tell, you understand, and I want to make sure everyone here understands, I am doing this "as an act of charity". I am not being paid to do this, if anything I am loosing peoples respect and risking my reputation to do this, so among anything else, you should most definately give me time.

Moving on:
My and David had a short little chat via email and he made a good point about DesuChan's Persocoms:
"Where's the link to the download?"
Good point David! Silly me forgetting that! So for anyone browing Google looking for DesuChan's Persocoms Reloaded 2.0, I have your link right here!

unfortunately, as you might have noticed you can't download DesuChan's Persocoms without a password...or for that matter, any of DesuChan's mods I have uploaded to my mediafire account.
If you are new to the way I run business around here, then start here:

See anyone who is new: I am not some ass hole who just rips peoples stuff and redistributes it because I am some jerk who doesn't care about people. Quite the contrary I do care, and for that fact I am reviving dead, removed mods that were made with the utmost quality. It is to praise the authors work! And so I take good measure to do whatever I can to prevent theft of these mods for as long as I can (though it is inevitable...I am just slowing it).

Take care!

PS: I am still searching for Kawa Kahjiits too.

PPS: I changed it so anyone can comment, even if you don't have a blogger! Rejoice!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

A New List

This went surprisingly fast. I didn't think I would get them all so fast, but I found one download link that lead me to the next, to the next, and to the next. I found a bunch of Desuchan stuff...all but those damn Kahjiits - which is still on my list, but anyways, we have a new list of passwords and so forth, but before I get to putting that up, I got some bad/good news...it's both bad and good. I redid my redistribution rules, so if you all wouldn't mind just clicking the link below this sentence and downloading the text document, so you can understand how this is working now (no extremely drastic changes to how to get the mod, but now that there are multiple mods - meaning mulitple passwords - I changed a couple of things.)

now that you are done there, here are the new links! Sorry to arron, I was thinking of putting them all into one package for you, but then decided "nah" cause I can be lazy like that. so here they are:

DesuChan's Anime Eyes (Reported not working)

DesuChans Shiki Armor

DesuChans Demon Huntress Armor

DesuChans Lolita Outfit

DesuChans Macabre Outfit

DesuChans Stealth Gear (OMOD)

As I think I have proven, I am capable at doing this task of necromancy :)
So, lets get off of DesuChan, I am sick of seeing her narcissistic crap she has posted all over the internet. A pet peeve of my is people thinking they are photographers "shooting" their Oblivion character. I study Photography, I am a photographer. Her work outside of modding looks more like angsty teen emo fantasies.
So, feel free to ask for any mod (yes even if it is one of Desu's....) and give me sometime and I will get it up!


Arron said in a comment on the last post:

"The clothes are way more important, so that's great. As for the language of the mod not being in english, well, I already use Beautiful People 2ch and that's jap only, so any language is fine.

Thanks for looking, I've tried looking myself, I guess you're just better at looking for mods than I am."

fortunately the language doesn't really matter for clothing mods, but on other mods, like quests and the likes it may not be best if in a different language....and sometimes this includes races too. And, I am "pro" when it comes to searching :) I usually know just the right key words to get me the results - usually not on the first page though, I usually have to dig around the pages, and this doesn't exactly pertain to just google. Sometimes my digging requires me to start a google, but branch off into other sites. Believe me, when I am tasked with a job, I dedicate my time to satisfy the people who need :)

Enjoy the new mod list!

PS. Unlike Persocoms, none of these mods have been tested to see if they actually work. I did check the folder structure before repackaging them, and they looked complete, but let me know if there are any problems. Additionally, when I was making the tiny-urls I was having a little difficulty, so just let me know if a link doesn't work :)

again: enjoy!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

More DesuChan

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

It's disappointing to see that the Nexus has decided to ban me, but, that was to be expected. I knew exactly what was going to happen the moment I started the alternate account (let's just hope they didn't ban my IP). I figured if I get a few people who know about me, I might be able to help get the Exploiter idea off the ground.

I am kind of disappointed...cause I even did art work for my little role I am playing here...not that it was good artwork, I slapped it together in less than an hour.

Anyways, as the exploiter knows, there are many mods that have been stripped from the Oblivion modding community. Again, I will not redistribute these mods hoping to steal their fame - I like being known as the bad guy to other mods, but to the rest, I am Anonymice the person who exploits these mods, not steals their fame. So if there are any dead mods you wish to see come back to life, let me know at my email (which will be at the bottom here) I will see if I can wake the dead and bring it back to life.
This did start with DesuChans Persocoms. Bless her work, it was a wonderful mod, that I felt it was unfair she took it from everyone because she can't take a little criticism and that facts that in a community are exploiters. As I said, there are bunches of other exploiters, and I want to prevent that, too many is a bad thing, and really it is a bad thing to do when the mod is still active!
So, recommend dead mods or request the download password from me, and who knows, once I see people are abusing the system, I might remove the password.


my email;

in the mean time, take care
and do worry about this guy's work (whether you are my enemy or my friend), I think worrying about what I do is nothing that should concern you, it isn't good for your mental health to be thinking about that.
Your friend and enemy,
the anonymous